The first thing that you should check for Web Development and SEO is the speed of your internet connection it should be fast, 3-5 seconds. Align your Domain with your brand name, implement some appropriate keywords and you are ready to start your amazing new business.
1. Link Your Blog to Your Website
Try to keep your blog content new and innovative, if you change it three times a week, clients will want to read it
Keep your web pages to about 5, any more is too long and people won’t read them.
2. Make Your Business Name Short and Memorable
If you run a fast food delivery service ‘dinner dash’ is long enough, and it implies that the food arrives fast.
If it is a dog minding service, ‘Doggy Day Care’ is a great name with excellent keywords, like daycare.
Your actual Domain name should be unique, and to secure it you need to be sure that it is available by checking online.
3. Plan the Design of Your Website Pages
Keep each page clear with separate functions, for example.
- what we do, services
- what we recommend
- contact details and links
- price and payments
- blog
4. Have Your Site Professionally Built
Use your own specifications, but call in the expert to build the site, it will end up looking much more professional. The expert can teach you how to make changes and add the page content, this is money well spent as you will know what to do next.
5. Outline Your Blog Calendar Six Months Ahead
Know exactly what Web Development and SEO you will use in your blog, and try to have six months of content on hand. If you are running a doggy daycare you can have some cute photos on your blog. The clients will love it, especially if it is their dog. The clients will be easily engaged with the changing content and will read it, and link it to your Facebook page for added exposure.
6. Always Maintain Professional Integrity
If you are a Health Professional, take care. Many professional bodies are preventing their members from giving health advice online. When answering questions about nutrition or food plans. speak in a general tone and don’t be too specific in the answers you give. If anyone wants a one-on-one consultation, it is better that they have an individual consult with you as you will then be able to give them specific help related to their problem. Check what others in your professional area are doing, as you don’t want to be deregistered.
7. Good SEO
In Web Development and SEO keyword density should be around 2 to 2.5%, otherwise, the keywords tend to take over, often called keyword stuffing, so keep it in check where possible. Many websites have some relevant and beautiful photos, and if you have a good digital camera and can take the photos yourself this looks amazing but is not suitable for every site.
Your finished website will attract lots of traffic, especially when you follow a few simple rules.